Several times over the past few weeks my friends and students have asked me, "why are you going to Morocco?" I must say that I am very fortunate to have this extraordinary adventure. Teachers for Global Classrooms sponsors travel fellowships for American teachers, and TGC was gracious enough to accept me this year. The program has several components starting with an on-line graduate-level course this past Fall on global education followed by a symposium in February. After the travel fellowship component, I will publish on-line a global education guide for teachers in my community. This U.S. State Department sponsors this amazing program.
This year over 70 teachers from a diversity of disciplines and grade levels will be deployed as citizen diplomats to six counties: India, Indonesia, Colombia, Senegal, Philippines, and Morocco. Twelve of us will be gathering in Rabat for a few days before splitting into pairs for our field experience. The photo above is our group in Washington DC gathered for our symposium. My field partner Travis is standing in the far back. By the way the woman in front is pointing to the Moroccan flag behind me.
I have linked below the website for TGC in case you want more information about this organization. Teachers for Global Classrooms
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