Thursday, March 16, 2017

The Hijab 

One of the most complex issues when exploring Islam today is the notion of gender in Islam. Dress and modesty are major aspects in which culture is revealed publically. In Rabat many women and older girls cover their hair with a headscarf called Hijab, which is also the Arabic word for modesty. Many others do not. Our amazing in-country escort and consultant, Houdia, said that she didn't wear the hijab much until she made the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca last year. Since then it has just felt like she wanted to wear it.

From what I have seen, girls who wear the hijab mix with girls who don't and also boys quite freely. The video clip that I have is of a girl who at the end of one of our question and answer sessions just took the time to volunteer her idea of the Hijab. She wanted us to know that women who wear it can participate fully in society and that it does not hold them back. Her comment was applauded widely by a wide group of students in the class, including those not wearing the head scarf.

Photos include a young group of English teachers in training and a group of enthusiastic students who listened patiently to one of our presentations. 

Student's View of Hijab 

1 comment:

  1. It's wonderful that you were able to have this conversation and that the participants listened to each other and felt heard, even if they make different decisions for their own lives.
